USA: Does our food supply contain "TOXIC" additives leading to obesity and illness?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Don't Get Stuck On Stupid! Message from Lt. Gen. Russel Honore and ME.

First off, if you don't know who the General is, I implore you to keep reading! He's The TRUTH. He was the man who President Bush called to evacuate New Orleans after hurricane Katrina and others. He's a native Louisianian. Also, he retired from active duty in the service of the U.S. military. He has a sharp wit and is a plain dealer. He was recently the keynote speaker in D.C. at a Homeland Security conference on preparedness because he's qualified to speak on the topic. Find his page here:

And so I emailed him. I'm brave enough to contact anyone. The Oprah Winfrey Show invited me to meet her and President Clinton and Andre Agassi and others for a show taping about 'Giving', the title of President Clinton's book which was released at the time. I was inspired largely to reach out to caring people by being in their presence. I saw a way to promote my causes to help the helpless.

Children, the handicapped and the elderly have it harder than the rest of the demographic probably everywhere on Earth. Having said that, they are still the third of the people left behind or lost when disaster strikes. They're called "people without a ride". Mix in poor people, real poverty. We have a recipe for more real crises here in the USA like we saw in New Orleans after Katrina. As a matter of fact, the fires aren't done doing devastation in California forests, tornado alley, flooding name it.

How can we be more prepared before disaster strikes? For every $1 spent in prevention, $9 is saved in aftermath money! Do you homework starting with the website of Russel Honore, go to and if you use Twitter, link to the government there. The CDC is there, Homeland Security and The White House, for starters. Then set your device updates to receive them from important tweets like those. I choose on twitter a couple news sources I trust for up to date events as they occur.

Part of the donated Tipjoy money (see above button) from you WILL GO towards economical, effective preparedness kits, just in case. I saw a website with kits that are too pricey, I can use information from and find the items on or Wal-mart and a drugstore/pharmacy too if necessary. They will be as "green" as possible and issued to people from ALL walks of life, I don't discriminate.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

MicroCelebrity Food for Thought

Good Health is the FOUNDATION. Let's begin:

The internet is the great equalizer when it comes to popularity. Microcelebrity is about being that to a small, influential group. Think of products like Coke and people like Oprah as excellent brands. I think we can all agree Oprah can influence almost anything. She's a "smart cookie" so we prioritize her ideas. Ideas are exchanged at the speed of light but sometimes you find a special blog/blogger you may want to slow down and spend a little time with, that's where you are now.

So is Miss O one of the only people who possess genius? Of course not and I love that she inspires us to live our best lives. To that end, one of my main causes, and I hope you'll join me, is to reform the food industry better known as AGRIBUSINESS. Our food supply contains a few 'special', toxic additives I've come to know as enemies of the human body:

1. high fructose corn syrup

2. refined sugar

3. enriched flour

4. gluten

5. trans fat

6. saturated fat

Obesity as well as many other "lifestyle" diseases are attributed to these adulterations/additives/ingredients. I'm not suffering from a myriad of illnesses...yet.

I'll be paying to see the new, watershed documentary, Food, Inc! It premiered June 12, 2009, but if it's not in your city, call an independent theater to request it. I did it and it will premier in my city July 10, 2009. The youtube trailers are good too.

Whatever we buy is a VOTE at the cash register. Marketing tactics to supply us with out of season fruits & vegetables from far away places and hormone-laden meat is atrocious!

Share your thoughts with me, more to follow. Thanks.